
Thermography scans for irregular temperature patterns in the body and can serve as an early warning sign that you body's health needs further proactive follow-up.



The purpose of a traditional report card is to inform parent's of their child's academic progress and serves as a monitoring of good progress or an early warning sign that changes are needed. It gives them the needed feedback and provides information to their support staff: teachers and parents.

Many parents consider their child's report card to be one of the MOST important documents they receive from year to year. 

Thermography is the adult's version of a health report card. It provides feedback so we can take charge of our health and provides information to our support staff: chiropractor, acupuncturist, physician, etc.

As adults we continue to need report cards - we have milestones every year - whether a stressful event that prompts unhealthy eating, an unexpected death, job change or move that promotes anxiety in the body. Think about all of the events that we experience and the effect they have on our body.  

Thermography is an internal report card showing how well our body has tolerated these events and provides us information of where to focus to turn these unwanted health effects around or gives us peace of mind that the effort we are putting into our health is actually paying off.

Knowledge is power and knowing your internal landscape allows you to make more efficient choices to keep yourself healthy and vibrant!

And how can it serve as an internal health report card?

Angiogenesis is the medical term for when your body begins to grow extra blood vessels to feed a tumor. This process typically takes 8-10 years before a mass can be detected by mammography or an ultrasound. More blood vessels mean more heat in the body. This heat is what thermography can detect – often years before it is large enough to be seen, giving women time to change lifestyle habits to enhance their health, reduce systemic inflammation, and dial back indicators of chronic disease.

Inflammation is the foundation of all chronic disease and represents itself in our body by heat. It is the body's way of signaling that the immune system is busy fighting. Early detection of this inflammation may help to prevent those health conditions from even developing in the first place. Thermal imaging captures pictures of the areas of heat (inflammation) which allows us and/or your medical provider to target and treat proactively.

Inflammation can be treated through toxic load reduction such as dietary changes, exercise, nutritional supplements, detoxification, antioxidants, stress reduction, acupuncture, chiropractic care, the BEMER medical device, massage, yoga, cranio-sacral therapy, reiki, feldenkrais exercise, energy healing, essential oils, nutrition response testing, personal coaching and more! Targeting specific areas of inflammation and proactively treating these areas can help reverse chronic disease states and can even help prevent negative health conditions from developing!

NASA, Fire and Police Departments, the Military and Home Inspectors use Thermal Imaging. Some since the 1950's. The difference here is our cameras state-of-the-art technology is calibrated for Medical Grade Thermal Imaging. Thermography has been FDA registered since 1982 and has over 800 peer-reviewed articles exist in the Index-Medicus literature.

• FDA registered, state-of-the-art Digital Infrared Thermal Imaging Camera 

• Scans for irregular temperature patterns in the body 

• Serves as an early warning sign that your body's health needs further proactive follow up

• Physiological test that allows safe, yearly monitoring like weight, temperature and blood pressure 

• Provides your doctor or practitioner information to monitor for tissue stability over time

Thermography is: 

How Thermography works

breast thermography

Mammogram vs. thermogram

Is to offer women and men the chance to become aware of any possible worrisome physiological changes in the body, which is when risk-reduction strategies such as diet, exercise, toxic load reduction and stress reduction are most effective. It provides risk information and possible early warning signs to your doctor for further follow up.

our goal...


Breast Thermograpy

Breast Thermography is a 15-20 minute affordable, no compression, no radiation, painless, non-invasive, and safe thermal imaging procedure to measure breast health.

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Women's Health Imaging

Thermography uses infra-red thermal imaging technology to image the body that produces an incredibly detailed, digital heat map of the body and temperature patterns. These patterns can show abnormalities that can be indicative of inflammation or abnormal heat spots in the body.

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Thermography Imaging Process


Intake Forms

You'll complete the new patient intake forms. These are available by clicking the "Intake Forms" tab, then choosing "Thermography". 

Getting Ready

When it is time for your appointment, you'll be given a gown to change into. You will disrobe specifically for the sections of the body your Thermographer will be thermal imaging. Once the images are taken the gown can go right back into place.



Our Certified Clinical Thermographer will take your images.

The appointment length is about 15-20 minutes for a Breast or Follow up Breast Imaging appointment, 30 minutes for a Women's Health and Upper Body/Lower Body and 45-60 minutes for a Full Body Thermography appointment.



Once you leave the office, your images will be submitted to the interpreting M.D. The doctors report will be sent to you in 5 to 7 working days.


Mailing Your Results

Gratitude for Wellness will send you a copy of your report via U.S. Mail or Email depending on which method you choose on your intake form. We will also mail a copy of your results to your Health Care Professional, if you choose. 

If you have any follow up questions, please call or text us at 518-572-4037.


***No test is perfect. Every test can miss things and no one test should be used as a stand-alone test for breast health. Adding thermography to your well-care plan along with yearly visits to your primary care physician and investigating any lumps or areas of concern using monthly self breast exams, ultrasound and mammograms can elevate quicker and more accurate diagnosis.

Gratitude for Wellness Thermographers are certified with the American College of Clinical Thermography (ACCT) to offer Thermography

Medical Digital Infrared Thermal Imaging is a non invasive diagnostic technique that allows the examiner to visualize and quantify changes in skin surface temperature. An infrared camera is used to convert infrared radiation emitted from the skin surface into electrical impulses that are visualized in color on a computer monitor. This visual image graphically maps the body temperature and is referred to as a thermogram. The spectrum of colors indicate an increase or decrease in the amount of infrared radiation being emitted from the body surface. Since there is a high degree of thermal symmetry in the normal body, subtle abnormal temperature asymmetry's can be easily identified.

Have questions?

Check out our FAQ questions for answers to all the most common questions + more!


breast thermography

Time estimate: 15-20 minutes

Cost: $150

follow-up thermography

women's health thermography

Time estimate: 15-20 minutes

COST: $90

Time estimate: 30 minutes

COST: $275

immune scan thermography

Time estimate: 15-20 minutes

COST: $175

full body thermography

lower/upper body thermography

Time estimate: 45-60 minutes

COST: $375

Time estimate: 30 minutes

COST: $275

thermography appointments & Pricing:

Please Call or Text 518-572-4037 for an Appointment or Questions


Thermography is not yet paid by insurance companies. For this reason, we consider this an integrative service, not requiring a doctor's order and payable at time of service. 

We accept cash, check or credit card. If you pay by check, please make your check out to Gratitude for Wellness OR GFW.


If you need to cancel for any reason, please do so 48 hours in advance. If it is after the 48 hour mark, you will be charged a $100 fee. Please call or text us for all appointments and/or cancellations at 518-572-4037.

Gratitude for Wellness Thermography LocatioN


41 IDX Drive, Suite #235 (The Talbots Building), South Burlington, VT 05403
(518) 572-4037 (text or call)

WANT TO KNOW MORE about thermography?

Check out all of our Thermography resources.

THermography videos

Breast Thermography Articles